Friday, October 5, 2012

October 2012 on The Acoustic Storm

The Acoustic Storm will celebrate its 14th anniversary this month.  On October 25, 1998 we hit the airwaves for the first time on 100.7 KSLX in Phoenix, Arizona.  Thanks for listening all these years, and keeping The Storm going strong!
John Lennon would have been 72 on October 9, so we'll remember John in words and music, the weekend of 10/6-7.  The following weekend (10/13-14), Led Zeppelin will get the spotlight in the Eye of The Storm.
We'll commemorate The Storm's anniversary with theme sets in the second half of each hour of the 10/20-21 Acoustic Storm and feature Supertramp in The Eye. Another theme show will roll your way 10/27-28, as we'll get kind of spooky with the Halloween Acoustic Storm, and The Doors in the Eye of The Storm.

Here's the line-up for October in the Eye of The Storm:

10/13-14 LED ZEPPELIN 
10/20-21 SUPERTRAMP (Acoustic Storm 14th anniversary show)
10/27-28  DOORS (Halloween Acoustic Storm)