Monday, January 7, 2013

New Year...New Storms

Welcome to 2013 and another year of The Acoustic Storm!  The January line-up of artists in the Eye of The Storm will feature Bob Seger, Buffalo Springfield, Fleetwood Mac guitarists, and Billy Joel. 

You can read more about a couple of this month's artists on the Storm websiteCheck out Larry Coffman's exclusive article for The Acoustic Storm about Buffalo Springfield, and my exclusive interview with Lindsey Buckingham of Fleetwood Mac. 

It's always great to hear from you, so contact me anytime with your feedback and I'll email a personal reply.

Here's wishing you a happy, healthy, and acoustic-rock filled new year!

~Jeff Parets

Here's the line-up for January, 2013:

1/5-1/6: BOB SEGER 
1/26-1/27:  BILLY JOEL